Monday, June 20, 2016

Dhu’l-Nun’s Instructive Madness - La locura que instruye de Dhu’l-Nun - 141

Dhu’l-Nun’s Instructive Madness

Some friends of Dhu'l-Nun, the Egyptian, go to see him. They have heard that he has gone spectacularly insane, that he is a wildfire no one can contain, this man who has been such a source of wisdom.
They arrive at his house. He yells out,
Hey, you had better watch out,
coming here. Who are you?

Don't you remember us? We are your friends. What secret are you hiding with this madness?

Dhu'l-nun begins to rave a mixture of filthy language and gibberish. He rushes out and grabs up stones
and throws them at the group. They run.

See, he calls. You are not friends.
A friend does not run from pain
inflicted by a friend.

There is a joy within suffering
that is the kernel of friendship.
A friend is pure gold singing
inside the refining fire. He thrives on fights and misunderstandings and even madness.
La locura instructiva de Dhu’l-Nun

Algunos amigos del egipcio Dhu’l-Nun  lo van a visitar. Han escuchado que se ha vuelto espectacularmente loco, que parece fuego incontrolable que nadie puede contener, este hombre que ha sido fuente de sabiduría. Llegan a su casa. Les grita, Oigan, mas vale que se cuiden de venir aqui. ¿Quién son?

¿No nos recuerdas? Somos tus amigos, ¿Que secreto escondes tras esta locura?

Dhu’l-Nun comienza a echar pestes,  una mezcla de groserías y tonterias. Sale de prisa, recoge unas piedras y se las tira al grupo. Salen corriendo.

¿Ven? Les dice. No son mis amigos. Un amigo no corre del dolor que un amigo le causa.

Hay cierta alegría en el dolor, que es la semilla de la amistad.
Un amigo es oro puro cantando dentro del fuego que lo perfecciona. Prospera en las peleas y los malos entendidos y aun en la locura.
Commentary:  Friendship with life sometimes requires great courage and trust.
Comentario:  Ser amigo de la vida a veces requiere valor y confianza.

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