Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Waterwheel - El Molino de Agua - 49

The Waterwheel
Stay together, friends.
Don’t scatter and sleep.

Our friendship is made
of being awake.

The waterwheel accepts water
and turns and gives it away

That way it stays in the garden,
whereas another roundness
rolls through a dry riverbed looking
for what it thinks it wants.

Stay here, quivering, with each moment like a drop of mercury.
El Molino de Agua

Amigos quédense juntos.
No se dispersen y duerman.

Nuestra amistad se basa
en estar despiertos.

El molino de agua acepta el agua
y luego gira y la regala

De esa manera se queda en el huerto,
mientras que otra redondez
rueda por un lecho de río seco
buscando lo que piensa que quiere.

Quédate aquí temblando a cada momento como una gota de mercurio.
2017 Commentary: The movement from what we think we want in form to what our soul wants outside of form is a journey of an inch in length and a journey of a thousand light years. To take the first step on the pathway try seeing what you want in form as existing abstractly inside of you.
Comentario:  El movimiento de ir desde lo que pensamos que queremos en el mundo de la forma a lo que nuestra alma desea que es sin forma es un viaje del largo de tres centímetros y un viaje de mil años luz. Para dar el primer paso en ese viaje date cuenta que lo que aparentemente quieres en el mundo de la forma existe dentro de ti de manera abstracta.


  1. Being awake is consciousness that is objectively aware of the thoughts and feelings, not imprisoned inside of them. Asleep we tend to wander the world in search of something to fill a deep need. No thing will fill this need.
    “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.” Henry D. Thoreau”
    Stay quiet immersed in the deepest human need and we will be filled with what is needed.

  2. I have spent so many years in the dry waterbed-searching
