Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Quietness - Silencio - 51


Inside this new love, die.
Your way begins on the other side.
Become the sky.
Take an axe to the prison wall.
Walk out like someone suddenly born into color.
Do it now.
You are covered with thick cloud.
Slide out the side. Die,
and be quiet. Quietness is the surest sign
that you have died.
Your old life was a frantic running
from silence.

The speechless full moon comes out now.


Muérete dentro de este nuevo amor.
Tu camino inicia del otro lado.
Transfórmate en el cielo.
Usa una hacha contra el muro de la prisión.
Sal de ahí como alguien que de repente ve los colores.
Hazlo ahora.
Estas cubierto con una nube espesa.
Deslízate por un lado. Muere, y manténte en silencio. Estar en silencio es una clara señal de que has muerto.
Tu vida anterior consistía en alejarte frenéticamente del silencio.  

Ahora se asoma la silente  luna llena.
2017 Commentary:  Amazed by life, by the universe, by the movement of my body. Die to taking things personally, to judging all things into the categories of good and bad based on my preferences and limited perceptions. The ego knows that silence will evaporate it's illusion of power and control and ego fights for it's life with noisy thoughts and emotions. Awe and wonder burns away the fog in my mind and a silent sun is felt inside of my heart.
Comentario:   Estoy sorprendido por la vida, por el universo y por mi cuerpo. He de morir o dejar de tomar las cosas personalmente, de juzgar lo que sucede como bueno o malo según mis preferencias y percepciones tan limitadas. El ego sabe que el silencio hará desaparecer sus ilusiones de poder y control y por ello el ego lucha por su vida con emociones y pensamientos ruidosos. Sorprenderse y maravillarse de lo que sucede ayuda a disipar la neblina de la mente y percibo un sol silencioso dentro de mi corazón.

1 comment:

  1. Amazed by life, by the universe, by the movement of my body. Die to taking things personally, to judging all things into the categories of good and bad based on my preferences and limited perceptions. The ego knows that silence will evaporate it's illusion of power and control and fights for it's life with noisy thoughts and emotions. Awe and wonder burns away the fog in my mind and a silent sun is felt inside of my heart.
