Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Sun is Love - El Sol es Amor - 52

The Sun is Love

The sun is love. The lover,
a speck circling the sun.

A spring wind moves to dance
any branch that isn't dead.

El Sol es Amor

El sol es amor. El amante
una partícula girando alrededor del sol.

El viento de primavera hace bailar a cualquier rama que no esté muerta.

Commentary: God is all, God is love, the sun a metaphor for love. A lover moves through life bound to love, seeing light in dogwood flowers, in the terrorized faces of wounded suicide bomb victims, and in the face of bombers.

In spring what in winter seemed dead becomes alive with love of being. In spring the hearts of all come alive with joy. Spring in the soul can come any time of the year. If dogwood blossoms are not blooming in your heart right this moment then you are dead inside left-brain ego thoughts of past and future. Prune away dead thoughts and emotions using the shears of silence.  Let the wind of change move your feet to dance.


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