Tuesday, February 23, 2016

When I am with You - Cuando estoy Contigo - 23

When I am with You
When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you are not here, I can’t go to sleep.

Praise God for these two insomnias. And the difference between them.

Cuando estoy Contigo

Cuando estoy contigo, nos quedamos despiertos toda la noche.
Cuando no estas aqui, no puedo dormir.  

Alabo  a Dios por los dos tipos de insomnio y por la diferencia entre ambos.
2017 Commentary: I can chose to be grateful for both the pain that comes from attachments and  the peace that comes from presence.
Comentario: Elijo estar agradecido por ambas situaciones, por el dolor que surge del apego  y por la paz que llega cuando estoy presente.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the you that Rumi mentions? In another poem Rumi says that he knows all time and places as one. Could the quality of consciousness that knows this oneness, what Rumi calls the friend, be the you Rumi is speaking to in the poem? In this state of consciousness one might say not 'I am in love' put 'I am love'. Think of the power of his desire for the friend, strong enough to keep him awake all night. I should ask myself this question, "How can I fuel this desire in myself?"
