Sunday, February 28, 2016

Body Intelligence (2) - Inteligencia del Cuerpo (2) - 28

Body Intelligence (2)
There are guides who can show you the way. Use them.

But they will not satisfy your longing.
Keep wanting the connection with presence with all your pulsing energy.

The throbbing vein will take you farther than anything.

Muhammad said, Do not theorize about essence. All speculations are just more layers of covering.
Human Beings love coverings.

They think the designs on the curtains
are what is being concealed.

Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Do not claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.
Inteligencia del Cuerpo  

Existen guías que pueden mostrarte el camino. Úsalos.

Pero ellos no van a satisfacer tu añoranza.
Con toda tu energía pulsante sigue deseando  la conexión con la presencia.

La vena palpitante te llevará más lejos que cualquier otra cosa.

Mahoma dijo  No desarrolles teorías sobre la esencia. Todas las especulaciones son más  capas que la ocultan.
A los humanos les encanta lo oculto.

Piensan que el diseño de las cortinas es lo que se está ocultando.

Observa las maravillas tal y como van ocurriendo a tu alrededor. No reclames. Siente la maestría moverse a través de ellas y guarda silencio.


  1. I love how Rumi just brings into focus the essential kernal in few words. My body relaxes with the truth in the last stanza. Hafiz can do this for me too. Thanks for the posts. I've missed some, but hope to go back and read them.

  2. Beautiful. From a psychological perspective Rumi is contrasting left vs right brain functioning. The left brain ideally would serve us but becomes the master who imprisons us in thoughts of the past and the future; locked inside ego away from the majesty of the now. (see Ego’s dealing with the present moment is associated with attachment and aversion, which binds it to past and future. The treasure of Being is feared by the ego because unconsciously it knows being alive in the moment is a solvent that would dissolve it’s structure and perspective. Ego yawns at being one with the beauty and mystery of the present moment.

  3. like your explanation, thanks...more thought and ted on to do's :o)
